Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

EDA is possibly the

single most important concept

when working with data

Popularised by John Tukey in his 1977 textbook, Exploratory Data Analysis

A basic problem about any body of data is to make it more easily and effectively handleable by minds—our minds, her mind, his mind[, their mind].

John Tukey

Find the main characteristics of your data through

descriptive statistics

You should explore your data before doing anything else

A scene from the Disney movie, Lady and the Tramp. Lady and the Tramp are seated at a small table, facing away from each other. They each take bites of the same long strand of spaghetti. As they chew, they inadvertently lean in, and their lips meet in a kiss


Really get to know them…

We can visualise how a variable

is distributed with a histogram

In histograms

measurements are placed in bins of a certain size

For example, all measurements from 13.79-14.29 are in the first bin

14.29-14.79 are in the second, etc…

The height of the bin is determined by how many observations are placed in the bins

which allows us to see where most observations lie

We can also separate the groups

the mean is not always aligned with the most observations

If a distribution is skewed, the mean moves off center

and the median is closer to the most observations

The width of a plot is not a great indicator of dispersion
It’s more of a combination between width and height

Tall and narrow = low dispersion (small variance)
Short and wide = high dispersion (large variance)

Box plots (a.k.a., box and whiskers)

are a better indicator of dispersion

They give us the quartiles

25% (dashed) and 75% (dotted)



and outliers

The length of the box is the Inter-Quartile Range (IQR)
calculated as the 75% quartile minus 25% quartile

Length of the whiskers are 1.5 times the IQR
Outliers are points falling outside the whiskers

Box plots are not perfect, though

They hide the shape of the distribution,

and the number of observations

We could combine with a histogram

or use a violin plot

combined with a box plot

Violin plots consist of mirrored density plots

A density plot is a ‘smoothed’ histogram

calculated using a Kernal Density Estimate

The area under the curve is always 1, because the

the probability of all the values cannot exceed 1

A point on the curve is the estimated probability density

Categorical variables require different types of plots

Like bar plots

Which simply show counts of values


allow readers to see the actual values

Pie charts can also show this

But should be used sparingly…

Pie charts And if you like it

you better put a label on it

Bar plot axes can be rearranged to improve interpretation

For example, ordered by frequency

Show multiple variables


Show multiple variables


Show multiple variables


Whatever you intend to do with your data

first make sure you know what they look like

This will help you interpret your data

Tips for data visualistions


Avoid redundant information

Avoid information overload

Figures should be able to stand alone

Keep colour-deficient vision in mind


Royal Statistical Society Data Visualisation Guide
Friends don’t let friends make bad graphs

An adult pie chart holding a briefcase, coming home from a successful job interview. She says "I got the gig. They said I was the right one for the job." Her family (another adult pie chart and two pie chart children) come sprinting toward her, arms outstretched and looking elated.